Doors. You might think their boring, obviously we don’t and we want to win you over. So here is our top 10 Iconic and Cool door and entrance designs from around the world to show you how cool Doors are! There’s some crackers in there!
10. Downing Street

What could be more iconic in the UK than the entrance to the most powerful person outside of royalty, it just screams power with the hint of English class. That jet black door says it all. Throw in the steel gates and an armed guard and that becomes a hugely iconic entrance. Powerful.
Taj Mahal

Another hugely iconic building which almost anyone around the world will recognise. The Taj Mahal. Beautiful architecture meets religion. That huge arc surrounding the detailed door, partnered with the stunning approach makes for one of the world’s best looking buildings – that’s why it’s on our list.
Magnolia Lane, Augusta

We had to put this one in there for all sports fans and after the recent Masters tournament. Professional Golfers every year describe the drive up this entrance as chilling and entering the building through those doors is like the realisation of a dream. A huge event every year needs a big build up and a bigger entrance. This is it.
The Louvre

One of the most unusual buildings on the planet, amongst traditional French design this glass feature sticks out. We’ve chosen this for the surroundings and the building itself rather than the door design. Entering this building among all the culture and style that surrounds is very surreal. Culture’s finest.
The Empire State Building

The once tallest building in the world also has an unusual design compared to it’s surroundings. Standing outside the front knowing this is where the misunderstood Godzilla fell, could there be a cooler way to enter the building? Dodging overgrown reptiles and passing through that gorgeous archway and through those classical designed doors.
The Ice Hotel, Jukkasjärvi, Iceland

Originating from exhibition go-ers, when they run out of room at a hotel, they slept in the igloo that was being used for the ice art exhibition centre. Built from 10,000 tons of ice and 30,000 tons of Snow, everything in the hotel is made of ice. A weird but wonderful take on using your environment. What could be a ‘cooler’ entrance than entering ice doors through a giant illuminated ice arch?
The White House

So we’ve seen the doors to the Prime Minister’s hideout, so we couldn’t leave out arguably the most powerful person on the planet. The White House holds the President of the United States of America. That doorway with those columns standing tall above it staring back out to civilisation in the way that iconic image does, means we couldn’t leave it out of our favourite 10 entrances. One of the most recognisable buildings in the world too. Wouldn’t you want to enter through those doors?
Buckingham Palace

There’s only one building that could follow the White House. Our very own largest land owner in the World’s Buckingham Palace. My personal favourite, not only is it that awe inspiring gateway that makes this vital to our list, but also that huge double door on the building itself. One of the world’s most popular tourist locations too. Only in the UK could you ever see a monumental building so classy, traditional and elegant! Jolly-ho!
Victoria Tower, Queen’s Entrance

If you’ve never heard of that name before, Victoria Tower is the Parliament tower at the opposite end to the Big Ben clock tower. Probably the most famous building’s in the world, the Houses of Parliament decide our fate every day so they are iconic in every way imaginable. The architecture and design involved are beyond belief. This doorway and huge wooden door could not fit any more into our ‘Iconic Entrances List’. Wow.
The Tardis

Our last couple of choices have been very British, well it doesn’t get more British than that little Police Box. Dr Who’s Tardis has survived wars, aliens, numerous breakdowns and a huge list of different Doctors. The Tardis (Time and Relative Dimension in Space) has the coolest entrance ever (take that Narnia!) and when you go through that Police Box door, it opens up to a whole huge ship. It doesn’t get any cooler than that and we had to finish with this to prove that Doors are cool!
We at SEH BAC hope you enjoyed our favourite “10 Iconic Entrances From Around The World” as much as we did. Have you got any installations that are out of the ordinary? Anything that is different to someone else’s? Just an installation you’re very proud of? We’d love to see it and if you want, we’ll help you show the world too! Just use our comment box below or get us on Twitter, Facebook or Google +.